Sport Sense
January 2021 – December 2021
The aim of the Sport Sense project was to build a connection through sport in the society between people living with or without visual disabilities. Four partner organizations collaborated in this project: Scout Society Association (Romania), Mountain Sports Club Azot (North Macedonia), WSBINOZ (Poland), and Budapest Association for International Sports (Hungary).
The main objectives of the project were to organize and implement sports activities with the participation of 100 people living with visual disabilities, to increase the social inclusion of those participants, and to create a Guide Book for organizations about organizing sports activities for the visually impaired.
Within the framework of this project, BAIS has hosted an international Study Visit, with the involvement of prestigious actors of the field blind sports, such as LÁSS Foundation, Suhanj Foundation, the Sport Association of Blind Students and a professional ski athlete, Zsolt Balogh.
Our association have also organised and implemented two inclusive sport events, presenting sport such as goalball, showdown, blind chess, blind darts and blind football.
We are proud to present a Guidebook, that BAIS took part in writing, we recommend it to:
- those sport clubs and organisations offering recreational activities who would like to widen the range of their sport activities with new sport activities;
- those sport clubs and organisations offering recreational activities who would like to offer inclusive programs for visually impaired and blind people together with sighted people,
- to those organisations and profesisonals who work with visually impaired and blind people, to motivate and inspire them to organise more and more sport activites.
The guidebook is available in a written and in an audio format as well:
Written guidebook:
EN: http://sportsense.scoutsociety.ro/guidebook-2/
HU: https://sportsense.scoutsociety.ro/hu/guidebook-2/
Audio version of the guidebook: