Sport as an Equal Playground
Sport as an Equal Playground
In the spring of 2021, a new international project was launched – the project’s main focus is on inclusion, social accessibility, and equality in sports activities.
We act as project partners and bring e.g. the expertise and experience in the field of inclusion, equality, and leisure activities. The aim of the project is to share and utilize the good practices of the partners, compile the good practices into a guide, and train members of organizations and volunteers. Outputs and materials will be distributed to sports and free-time activities providers and other networks, as well as we will record a podcast series during the project.
The project is supported by Erasmus + Sport program.
Active Youth Association (Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas), Lithuania;
AICEM (Associazione internazionale per la cooperazione e l’educazione), Italy;
Finnish Youth Academy (Nuorten Akatemia), Finland
First meeting:
August 27-28, Helsinki
The first meeting served to clarify the roles and tasks in details, sign partnership agreement, and present the best practices -- for which BAIS presented Sport Sense,Darts4blind and RISE.
Second meeting:
April 7-8, Vilnius
The second meeting was a training delivered by the four partner organizations about social inclusion in sports. Experts from the field were invited to share their knowledge and experience. The meeting was also an opportunity to present once again the best practices in the aim of collecting them for the manual in progress.
Right after the meeting, the first podcast, hosted by the project manager Rawand Ben Brahim, with the guest speaker Ugne Chmeliauskaite, was recorded and soon to be published.
Third meeting:
September 6-9, Sassari
The third meeting took place in Sassari, Italy where the project representatives met to finalize the educational manual, rehearse for the second podcast, and plan the final seminar that will be taking place in Hungary October 21-23.
Fourth meeting
October 21-23, Budapest
BAIS hosted the final seminar of the project SPED, marking the end of a beautiful journey.
The outcomes of the project include:
1- A manual of four good practices intended especially for sport organizations and instructors working with young people focusing on different target groups:
* “Introduced by Hobbies”, focusing on people from immigrant backgrounds.
* "Sports Together", bringing together locals and refugees.
* “In the field, different but equal’’ fighting Gender equality.
* ‘’RISE’’, targeting Roma youth.
2- A podcast series available on Spotify
Link to the Manual:
Link to the podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/2PtUBFc9GbEipe2DSrk8Kn