August 2023 – September 2023
The Erasmus+ funded booSting Environmental AwareneSs tHrough spORts voluntEering (SEASHORE) sports mobility was successfully delivered in Cascais, Portugal between 27 August and 3 September 2023. The job shadowing activity involved 10 committed volunteers of the Budapest Association for International Sports. Through the delivery of the project, we aimed to build the capacity of our association to strengthen our international network to deliver more eco-friendly sports programs at the local level.
The main objectives of the SEASHORE project were:
to build the capacity of the Budapest Association for International Sports on how to promote participation in environmental-friendly sporting activities taking place at the grassroots level,
to engage volunteers in soft and hard skills development activities aiming to strengthen their commitment to long-term sports volunteering,
to empower volunteers through learning mobility and give them the tools to deliver eco-friendly sports events in local environments,
to boost the knowledge of our volunteers on sustainable development - especially focusing on the environmental aspects of sustainability,
to strengthen international, sport-based cooperation between the participating organizations and create international networks of sports volunteers,
in general to promote an environmentally-friendly lifestyle through sports volunteering at grassroots levels.
The main activity of the project, a 7-day long job shadowing took place in Cascais, Portugal. The job shadowing included a wide range of activities, such as sport-based educational activities; interactive workshops for the development of practical skills and competencies; brief knowledge-sharing sessions; and eco-friendly sports events which supported participants in developing their organizational skills. Participants had the chance to visit local sports clubs and NGOs working in the field of environmental protection (e.g. Ericeira Surf Club) and they also got to know the everyday practices of the hosting organisation, the Sport Evolution Alliance. One of the activities involved a trash picking competition at a local beach which also gave us the opportunity to raise awareness and visibility of our initiative.
After their return, participants actively engaged in local dissemination activities in Hungary. During September and October, BAIS volunteers have organized several eco-friendly sporting events such as trash picking hikes, plogging events and even a seminar hosted by the Hungarian University of Sports Science. During the Sport for Green Future seminar, the SEASHORE project was introduced to over 50 participants.
We would like to thank the Hungarian National Agency and the Erasmus+ program for their generous support. It was the first sports mobility of our association but we really hope not the last one!