European Youth Engaging in
Solidarity and Sport
January 2019 - December 2020
The European Youth Engaging in Solidarity and Sport (EYESS) intends to encourage social inclusion, tackle discrimination and intolerance through sport by transferring the good practice of Mondiali Antirazzisti in a new partnership between civil society and the academic environment of the following countries: Greece, Hungary, Austria, Italy, and Denmark.
In this framework, the project will:
Enable key organizations to replicate Mondiali Antirazzisti’s model and methodology in their local areas involving academic environments;
Raise awareness among local institutional stakeholders and local civil society about sport as a tool for social inclusion and the potentialities of the local replications to this purpose
Foster increased participation of migrants and local young people in sports activities and create a constructive dialogue between different social groups
Train operators, youth workers, and similar profiles to a better awareness-raising activity and proper skills to use sport as a pedagogical tool to foster social inclusion of “vulnerable” target groups
Develop a “bridge” between the world of high-level education and non-profit organizations that are dedicated to volunteering and the inclusion of disadvantaged people through the engagement of its members as its institutions
Promote the exchange of good practices and networking between subjects who in various capacities contribute to generate and disseminate a policy of sport and social living that responds to the principles of non-discrimination, social inclusion, and individual commitment with respect to the problems and needs of the community.
The project is Co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.