Accelerating Education on Sustainable Development
April 2022 – April 2024

Grassroots sport clubs and civil society organisations active in the field of sustainable development are more able to contribute to the European Climate Pact which is an EU-wide initiative inviting people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action and build greener Europe. This project entitled Accelerating Education on Sustainable Development (AccESD) unlocks an enormous untapped potential of the grassroots sport clubs to contribute to sustainable development in local communities. The AccESD project contributes to the capacity building of grassroots sport clubs to work transnationally and across sectors in the field of sustainable development. More specifically, the AccESD project enables the members of staff in the sport clubs to acquire values, knowledge and skills required to shape their organisation and its activities in a sustainable way through the educational process that include organising local actions as means of multiplying learning for transformation within the local community. Education of the members of staff in sport clubs is complemented with Local Actions organised by the sport clubs for citizens in their local communities. The goal is to promote sustainable practices in the local community, while at the same time promoting HEPA and social inclusion of vulnerable citizens, and making sport clubs more attractive and recognised for their good work in the local community.
Sustainable Society Accelerator – Akcelerator za održivo društvo (CROATIA)
Contact details: info@acc.hr
1. Kayak Canoe Club Mladost – Kajak kanu klub Mladost (CROATIA)
2. Active Citizens – Aktivni građani (CROATIA)
3. Budapest Association for International Sport – BAIS – Budapesti Egyesulet a Nemzetkozi Sportert (HUNGARY)
4. Kayaking society brkati som – Kajakaško društvo brkati som (SLOVENIA)
Main project results are delivered four educational modules on sustainable development and two local actions delivered by project partners in a form of events and reports.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.